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Tap new markets, find reliable
business partners


We will assist you

If you are an importer or a travel operator looking for reliable business partners, then Import Promotion Desk (IPD) is the right address for you.

We identify suitable exporters and travel service providers for you in selected developing and emerging countries. This means we save you the tedious effort and high costs of opening up new supply sources. We thoroughly examine all companies and provide you with reliable partners for long-lasting business relations that will help you achieve your corporate objectives.


  • All-round support in opening up new markets and destinations – neutral, quality-conscious and free-of-charge
  • Contacts to reliable, tried-and-tested suppliers and travel operators
  • Ongoing search for new business partners and products for your corporate success


IPD is an initiative of the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA) and the development organisation sequa gGmbH Partner of German Business.

IPD is funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). As part of our development policy objectives, we find exporters in our partner countries and prepare them intensively for all the requirements of the EU market.

Our services

Make use of our wide-ranging services now and bring down your sourcing costs!

IPD news on LinkedIn 

Import Promotion Desk is one of the programmes offered by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to promote collaboration with actors in the private sector.

As of January 2024, all programmes will operate under the umbrella brand Partners in Transformation. This new title emphasises the partnership between the private sector and development cooperation, with the shared goal of achieving a social and environmental transformation in BMZ’s partner countries.

The programmes work with companies, trade unions, chambers of commerce, associations and other interest groups.

Find out more at Privatwirtschaft | BMZ (German only)

Our partner countries
Our product groups
Fresh limes lie on a table

Fresh produce

Fresh products all year round thanks to reliable suppliers from our partner countries.
Learn more here.

Several bouquets of red roses stored next to each other

Cut flowers

Gorgeous flowers thanks to excellent climatic conditions. We arrange contact with verified suppliers in South America.

We will connect you with your new business partners.

Find out about our wide range of products from six product groups.

Learn more about our services!

A selection of different spices is presented on spoons

Natural ingredients

Whether it's ingredients for food, pharmaceuticals or cosmetics you're looking for: IPD supports you in purchasing high-quality products from all over the world.

A man looks down on a mountain lake from above

Sustainable tourism

A growth market tour operators can profit from. We will put you in touch with evaluated partners in Ecuador, Tunisia, Nepal and Uzbekistan.

Sustainable seafood

The IPD opens up new procurement sources for sustainable seafood for importers. We will put you in contact with reliable suppliers!

IT outsourcing

Expand your IT outsourcing boundaries. We connect you with innovative IT experts in our countries.

»With IPD we are closing a strategic gap at the interface of development cooperation and foreign trade.«

Antonin Finkelnburg
Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA)


Our Matchmaking-Events

Meet your new business partners!


Register now: Buying Mission

Sourcing avocados in Kenya

Kenya // 16 - 20 September 2024

Join the IPD on a trip to Kenya. Meet new, carefully screened avocado producers.

IPD has…

Colombia // 30 September - 5 October 2024

Register for the IPD buyer's trip by 1st August!

Get to know evaluated cocoa…

[Translate to Englisch:]

Register now: Buying mission

Buying coffee in Ethiopia

Ethiopia // 30 September - 5 October 2024

At the birthplace of coffee: visit carefully evaluated coffee producers with IPD and…

Ecuador // 8 - 12 October 2024

Exclusively selected for you: Reliable cut flower producers in Ecuador
Visit some IPD-approved…

Fruit attraction event

Fresh produce trade fair

Fruit Attraction 2024

Madrid // 08.10. - 10.10.2024

Save the date: IPD is once again connecting European buyers with carefully screened producers from…

International Food Trade fair

SIAL 2024

Paris // 19.10. - 23.10.2024

Save the date: IPD is once again bringing a variety of natural ingredients to SIAL. 

We will be…

[Translate to Englisch:]

International tourism trade fair

World Travel Market (wtm) 2024

London // 05.11. - 07.11.2024

Save the date: Meet evaluated IPD tour operators again at this year's wtm London!

IPD will present…

Vijfhuizen // 05.11. - 07.11.2024

Save the date: Meet reliable IPD cut flower suppliers from our partner countries

Benefit from…

[Translate to Englisch:]

Trade fair for food additives

Food ingredients Europe (FiE) 2024

Frankfurt // 19.11. - 21.11.2024

Save the date: Meet evaluated companies from our partner countries!

This year, IPD will once…

Egypt // 2 - 6 December 2024

Exclusive buyers' trip: Meet reliable fresh produce growers on site. 
See for yourself how the…


Our matchmaking events!

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Focusing on sustainability

Cooperation with the private sector

Sustainability is a top priority for IPD. In addition to economic sustainability, we also take social and ecological aspects into account when selecting and supporting companies in the IPD programme. 

In this interview, Judith Emmerling, team leader of IPD`s Sourcing and Markets department in Berlin, presents the IPD's approach to sustainability.
She explains the importance of sustainability in global economic relations, how IPD prepares producers for the requirements of the European market and, finally, how importers can benefit from direct trade with IPD companies, also with regard to transparent supply chains.

Feminist development policy

Promoting the economic participation of women

As a member of the "Partners in Transformation" network, IPD actively supports the implementation of the BMZ's feminist development policy strategy. 

Learn more about IPD's current measures to promote women and our plans to strengthen women's equal participation in economic life in an interview with Tabea Mack, team leader of IPD's Sourcing and Markets department in Bonn.

Partners in Transformation

New logo, new partner countries, new sectors

IPD is part of the newly founded development policy network "Partners in Transformation - Business & Development Network". From January, 2024, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has been bundling its programs for economic actors under this new brand. IPD therefore has a new logo. And that is not the only change: we are continuing our growth, expanding the number of our partner countries and are now active in two new product groups – "IT Outsourcing" and "Sustainable Seafood". 

Read more in our latest IPD UPDATE.


Dr Julia Bellinghausen, Head of IPD

Dr Julia Bellinghausen explains the potential of developing and emerging countries and the role of import promotion for the German economy. 

Read the entire interview.
